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Arkansas State Bank Department

The mission of ASBD is to maintain a legal and regulatory structure for Arkansas's financial industry. This structure provides the public with convenient, safe and competitive banking, which fosters economic development within this State. Our mission is accomplished through efficient allocation of available human and other resources existing in our Examination, Information Technology and Administrative Services Divisions.

Staff Appointments/Promotions/Transfers

The Arkansas State Bank Department congratulates the following employees on their recent appointment/promotion/transfer:

Joel Futrell was promoted from Certified Bank Senior Examiner to Bank Exam Manager effective August 30, 2024. Mr. Futrell earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Central Baptist College in Conway, AR. Mr. Futrell, a Certified Capital Markets Examiner, has served the Bank Department for almost eight years, and is currently responsible for managing a Commercial Examination Group located in Little Rock, AR
Daniel Sims was promoted from Certified Examinations Manger to Bank Chief Examiner effective August 7, 2024. Mr. Sims earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration/finance from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. Mr. Sims has served the Bank Department for almost 11 years and is currently responsible for the administration of the Examination and Supervision Division of the State Bank Department and the overall supervisory and regulatory activities pertaining to state-chartered banks, trust companies, and bank holding companies. Mr. Sims is a Certified Capital Markets Examiner and is assigned to our Little Rock office.
Nathan "Nate" Elliott was promoted from Certified Bank Senior Examiner to Bank Exam Manager effective October 1, 2023. Mr. Elliott earned a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics from Lyon College in Batesville, AR. Mr. Elliot, a Certified Fraud Examiner, has served in the Bank Department for more than 16 years, and is currently responsible for managing the Commercial Examination Group located in Jonesboro, AR.


The Great Seal of Arkansas

The State Bank Department was created by Act 113 of 1913. The Department is charged with regulating state-chartered commercial banks with main offices in Arkansas. These 71 banks hold assets of over $166 billion as of December 31, 2024. The Department also is charged with supervising the bank holding companies of Arkansas state-chartered banks; state-chartered trust companies; regional and county industrial development corporations; industrial loan institutions; and capital development companies. The Department operates to ensure the safety and soundness of, and public confidence in, these institutions and organizations.

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